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Go Ye to Teach and Reach

Select a lesson below to watch videos and download audio files

Lesson 01: Is Matthew 28:18-20 & Mark 16:15-16 a command for us today? (David O'Connell)
Lesson 01: Is Matthew 28:18-20 & Mark 16:15-16 a command for us today? (David O'Connell)
Lesson 04: Outreach tools: Non-technical (Old School)   (Wayne Burger)
Lesson 04: Outreach tools: Non-technical (Old School) (Wayne Burger)
Lesson 07: Importance of evangelism (Luke 10:42, Matthew 10:5, Luke 10:1-16)   (Barry Grider)
Lesson 07: Importance of evangelism (Luke 10:42, Matthew 10:5, Luke 10:1-16) (Barry Grider)
Lesson 09b: Reaching the 21st century man / 21st century woman (Women's Speaker, Weezie Burger)
Lesson 09b: Reaching the 21st century man / 21st century woman (Women's Speaker, Weezie Burger)
Lesson 02: How to connect to others in today’s world (First a friend then a brother) (Barry Grider)
Lesson 02: How to connect to others in today’s world (First a friend then a brother) (Barry Grider)
Lesson 05: Outreach tools: Technical (Integrating the old school with the new) (David Rollert)
Lesson 05: Outreach tools: Technical (Integrating the old school with the new) (David Rollert)
Lesson 08: How does the love of the brotherhood relate to evangelism (Mathew 5:44-48)      (David O’Connell)
Lesson 08: How does the love of the brotherhood relate to evangelism (Mathew 5:44-48) (David O’Connell)
Lesson 09c: Reaching the 21st century man / 21st century woman (Men's speaker, Wayne Burger)
Lesson 09c: Reaching the 21st century man / 21st century woman (Men's speaker, Wayne Burger)
Lesson 03: Evangelizing like Jesus (John 4:34-38)    (Barry Grider)
Lesson 03: Evangelizing like Jesus (John 4:34-38) (Barry Grider)
Lesson 06: The significance of the follow up (Wayne Burger)
Lesson 06: The significance of the follow up (Wayne Burger)
Lesson 09a: Reaching the 21st century man / 21st century woman (introduction by Wayne Burger)
Lesson 09a: Reaching the 21st century man / 21st century woman (introduction by Wayne Burger)
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